
Hi, my name is Belle and it is my absolute pleasure to create high-quality, handmade, meaningful and mindfully created mala beads.

I first fell in love with creating mala necklaces and bracelets in 2017 and find the repetitive action of handknotting mala very meditative and relaxing.

Although we moved away from offering them over the last couple of years, we have continued using these sacred tools personally in our own daily meditation practices and have felt the immense impact they have on our mental health and wellbeing.

Now, more than ever, it's time to embrace the life-changing powers of meditation, mindfulness, and setting intentions so we have decided to bring our range of meditation tools back to support you on your own spiritual journey.

All of our jewellery is lovingly handcrafted in our home studio in the picturesque Hunter Valley, NSW in small batches to ensure each piece receives the attention to detail it, and you, deserve.

If you are new to mala, you can find out more about these wonderful beads here.

With love + gratitude,

Belle x